Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cupcake Party

Last Saturday, I held a cupcake party at my place. It sounds childish, but belleive me it was a lot of fun. Everyone who came brought a bunch of cupcakes and no two was alike. We all had fun adoring all the cupcake creations. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

2008 Sony Pro Am, 1/9/07

Joe and I on the trolley ride to the 2008 Sony Open

Buff Daddy, Pro George McNeil & Joe after the Sony Pro Am. Joe was Buff Daddy's caddy.

Hilton Hawaiian Village Mini Vacation

<-----Dinner t Sergio's with Jeff & Laurie Buffum

<----View from our room on the 28th floor at the Tapa Tower
<----The Hilton Hawaiian Village

Grandma Ah Sam's 86th Birthday Celebration

Toot, Uncle Ivan & Ulu grinding
Valerie and Aunty Pualani
Joseph & Uncle Bobby
Shane, Uncle Alex, Aunty Jean, Aunty Joann & Aunty Kahili

Grandma Ah Sam's 86th Birthday Celebration

This year we celebated Grandma's 86th birthday at Tsukiji Fish Market in the Ala Moana Shopping Center. The food was japanese buffet style. All of the family attended and I could see that grandma was very happy.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hello there:
So how was everyone's Thanksgiving holiday? We had a very nice luncheon at Dad Haino's house in Kunia and a then to Aunty Donna's in Mililani. Then it was back to work for us, but we did manage to get in a little black friday shopping. I headed to Sears to pick up Joe's christmas gift and Joe braved the crowds at Best Buy. It took him longer to check out at the register than to walk into the store and find what he needed. Then it was off to work for 8 hours and then back home with absolutely no traffice to watch the UH Rainbow Warriors battle it out with Boise State

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 23, 2007

"Alyssa's Ink Performance"
On November 17, 2007 Alyssa had her first dance performance with the 24-7 Danceforce Company. The performance named Ink.........A Spilled Story, was great.
Alyssa was a Onyx Clubbie and a Jungle animal. You go girl!
Check out there website at:
Alyssa and her friends with all her goodies after her Ink performance. 11/17/07
Alyssa and daddy all smiles after her performance. It was awesome.
Keep on dancin' girl!

Hawaiian Hottie's - Miss Valerie, Miss Alyssa and Miss Maile

Joe's beautiful girls!